What a unique place. For starters it’s mottos is “Virginia is for lovers”. What? Want to know the story behind that. Also it’s such a mix of historical events, centuries old, original colonies and modern shopping, eating and tourism. It’s green and humid, It has swamps, rivers and beaches and thick trees, farm fields, giant industries and manufacturers . And we have only seen the eastern part of it.
We stayed in Newport News and went to Yorktown and Jamestown. We will do Williamsburg when we come back someday.
JamesTown with The Chicks Life

We stayed at Pocahontas State Park which is an amazing campground with access to a pool with slides, toys, kiddie pool and all other swimming options. We met a family that was camping there who has 5 girls. They we’re there for a homeschooling convention. The kiddos all connected and played non stop. Riding bike around and around, playing at the pool and around the campground. We went to an historical settlement that re-enacted the 1700s way of life with farming tobacco, home life, gardening and cooking. The kids weeded the tobacco crops, moved dirt to cover the potatoes and moved fire wood into the house.
I don’t remember how it all happened but I know we went between Virginia, WaDc and Maryland a few times. We had to get new truck tires and have some other work done. We went back to DC to do the zoo and the Air and Space Museum super quick. It was a busy day with a lot of walking. We saw a mama gorilla with her baby, a tiger swimming, and pandas being super lazy inside where it was cool. We watched an elephant ? taking a dust bath and another one itching itself the hanging tires