We packed up all the stuff we needed from my mom’s house into 2 carry on bags and one checked bag plus each boys personal bag, and headed to Missoula. While in Missoula we got to see so many friends and family before we headed south. It was busy but great. Shane and Brayton also has their Birthdays.
Sunday morning we headed for the airport. Here is a picture to try to capture what it looked like for us to move to Phoenix in via airplane. 2 adults, 4 kids, 1 suitcase, 2 large backpacks, 4 little back packs, one heavy laptop bag, 2 small DVD bags, 1 stroller,1 baby carrier,2 booster seats, 1 car seat and 1 infant car seat with base. 
( Bad picture, Blake is trying to make a shocked face at all our stuff, Shane and I are looking at a different camera)
Thankfully we made it through everything without losing anything or any one this time.
We have been in Phoenix a few days and have had some fun times. Play date at the park. Kids jumping on the trampoline and riding bikes all day. Birthday dinner celebration with friends. Good coffee from Elevate. We are also experiencing some not so good things. First our truck batteries were dead(2 big batteries). We had to replace those immediate because Scott was to work in the office the next day. The master bedroom closet slide out is broken so we can’t get to, or in pack our clothes, so they stay in a suitcase on the floor. The dirt bikes leaked oil in the back room and the oil is so sticky I can’t even clean it up. I have tried lemon oil, baking soda and scrubbing. That’s a bummer because the boys can’t play back there. 
Then last night we had to evacuate our trailer in the middle of the night due to a toxic smell Scott and I had smelt all night. After investigating where the sulfur smell was coming from Scott checked the outside of the trailer and found the batteries were not working right and the sulfur gas was being off gassed which just happens to be under the master bedroom. I guess it’s highly flammable and super poisonous if touched. It’s bad to breath to and since we are confined into such a small space we knew we couldn’t stay in there so we packed everyone out and into our friends house at 3:45am. We need to pray over our home. Sitting for 4 months has been hard in it.
Some things we are looking forwards to is getting to have our dog Diesel back. Blake’s birthday on Thursday. A party on Saturday and getting to go to Church Sunday.
The Adventure continues.
Here are some pics. Aww maybe not…Still learning how to make them under 2MB.