Here is a quick update of what our up coming plans and adventures are…BUT FIRST a few pictures to show what we have been doing lately.
Aveyah’s First Easter and our Church’s ( North Valley) first service on the Property. This was super exciting for us because our family moved to Phoenix in 2010 to help start this church along with 12 other folks. We ( the Church) started out in an apartment then a house, then we rented a small church, then moved to a high school, then a movie theater and now at its own property.
The other day we left in the morning to go hiking ( oh yeah i need to get that picture off Scott’s phone to post here) and didn’t turn on the AC or anything and when we got home it was so hot in side that the butter was melted and had ran down the counter and made a puddle on the floor (carpet) thankfully it was in the wrapper still so I could quickly move it into a bowl. #itsgettinghotinhere
Blake has been riding his dirt bike a lot. He enjoyed the mud puddle that was left after the boys all played with the hose and the trampoline.
We went for a quick hike just to get out and about. This was a fun tree for the boys to play on.
OKAY now for a future adventures…ADVENTURE NORTH!!
We are going to Canada this summer. We don’t really have a route planned yet but we want to go to north to Banff, and the over to Vancover and stop at other places along the way. Recommendations???
We are Leaving Phoenix in a few days, Friday the 21st. We will be going to Missoula, MT for Scott’s cousins wedding. It will be so great to see family and friends we have not seen in many years. Its also getting hot in Phoenix and I don’t think our home can handle temps when it gets to 100+ outside. We will probably stay in Missoula and Spokane area for a month or so and then when it gets warmer, and Aveyah gets her passport we will head north. After Canada we will head south to Oregon (Portland, Redmond and Ashland). Roughly from there we want to go to Phoenix in Oct. After that our list includes Austin Texas, Florida and the East Coast.