We have been staying, boondocking, in Spokane Washington at my moms house. She doesn’t have hookups for us and the spot was tight for us to back into. We knew we couldn’t haul our rig to Camping World every week to empty the sewer so we started researching other ideas. The Blue Boy Tote ( aka Baker Portable Tote) doesn’t work for us; one, because the stinky slinky hose is lost somewhere on some highway in some state somewhere, and, the sewer connection dump spot is in my moms flower bed in the front yard, right next to her house, under the window. Then Scott found the solution…The Flojet 18555000A 18555-000A Portable RV Waste Pump

We were able to run a hose from our sewer, through the bathroom window and right down the toilet. Scott just pushed the end of the hose into the toilet hole so it would drain down the pipes and not fill the toilet bowl. DO NOT PUT IT IN THE TANK PART = bad idea!!!
Users beware anything besides toilet paper and pee/poop can not go into your tank. Not even cherry seeds!! We know this from experience.
So the macerator is simply just a motorized grinder that turns your tank stuff into a mushy liquid that is pumped through a garden hose. Easy!!! No smell!! Can dump into any toilet, even had one guy say they dumped into an outhouse. Now I don’t know how you would go about asking a boon-docker host if you can run a black tank garden house through a window to their toilet to dump in; but hey, if you are comfortable with that conversation then go ahead. So far I have only asked my mom. LOL.
* Oh man my video isn’t working.