Rhodes Island and Pennsylvania.o

We only got a picture of the welcome sign in Rhode Island. All we did was drive through it. We did go back while in PA to do the Cliff Walk in Newport. The trail goes along the backside of many mansions. They were impressive but in our opinion didn’t measure up to the coast scene .

In Pennsylvania, New Bedford, we stayed at an amazing Boondockers spot. The guy was a semi driver and ensured us he could guide us down his long driveway and pull through in front of his house. Thanks to his expertise we made it with out taking out any trees, or bushes or dents to our rig. Their house is beautiful with a great porch we were invited to sit at and enjoy. The kids loved the grandkids toys especially the sandbox and swing set.

We went to The Buzzards Bay Brewery. It was so peaceful with the sun just setting, kids and families all outside enjoying the warm sunset. One evening we took a walk along a jetty that has waves breaking on both sides. It was neat to be out in the dark and see the stars and hear the waves, occasionally getting some spray from them. We met a family there that invited us over for dinner another evening. They are fun and very hospitable to us and our crew. We grilled out in their yard and just spent a evening relaxing and talking.

While there Scott redid 22 bushing on our rig. We had 1 tire wearing faster then the rest. It was a lot of work but he likes doing the work himself so he knows what happens and how it all goes. God protected him and us a few times as we helped. https://adventureforth.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/img_7803.mov

Georgia ??

Savannah is awesome to tour at night amongst all the squares and statues and old churches illuminated by light. The cobblestone streets, the carriages, the architecture and the parks have a majestic ancient feel.

We also went to Jekyll Island where we first saw the Atlantic Ocean on a beach full of living sand dollars. We went to Driftwood Beach that is unique and beautiful. Caution. Do t be barefoot the shells and mussels slice your feet open. Poor Blake had some major cuts that required days of bandages and extreme care. I guess infections from those cuts can be really bad and require hospital care. We saw historical buildings that were used in the 1700’s for the wealthy prestigious folks of the time.

Some other things we did:

-Augusta during the Masters Golf Tournament. Didn’t know it was going on.

-Rice plantation where we got to tour the house, servants quarters, farm buildings and rice fields.

-Boondocked at a great couples house and went to Easter service with them at their church.

Sweet Home Alabama

I have been excited to get to Alabama the whole trip. I didn’t really have any specific reason but I wanted to see it because of how I picture the south in my head. Oh it was better than what I thought in my mind. We stayed out on country roads surrounded by thick trees, green fields and the cutest homes with front porches and yards. The folks were all so friendly and had great “accents” and respond respectfully yes sir and yes ma’am’s. The food, well it’s fried, extra sweet and not colorful; but we did learn about conecuh sausage that is really good.

Mobile- We went and explored the USS Alabama Destroyer War Ship and The Drum Submarine. We learned a lot and got to walk around the whole ship.

Blakeley- state park that is a civil war battlefield. We learned about the war and Confederate and Union sides. What the way was about. We also got to run around and pretend what it would have been like as we hid in trenches, saw sharp tree spike guard fences and the pits and walls where soldiers were. Walked on the ground that men lost their lives for us for our freedom. It was powerful and impactful for us all.


We boondocked at Big Daddy’s Grill. Great spot. Fun for kids to play at sand pit while parents have a beer or eat. On the river with a dock to go out on. We met some great friends that we connected with very quickly. Can’t wait to hang out again. We even had them all over to our house for dinner. It was a great time.

  • Good  Coffee: Refuge
  • Good Breweries: Fairhope Brewing
  • Good Libraries: Fairhope= AMAZING Could spend all day every day there. Kids have their own area and can be normal, roam, use computers, great story times. LOVE IT!.

Gulf Shore= big hotels and beach house rows. Eat at Flip Flop Deli. Watch out for sand gnats- noseeums- they itch bad. We like Fort Morgan beach area. It was less tourist hangout and commercialized

Pictures that speak for themselves.

By far one of our TOP favorite places.

Louisiana and Mississippi

Alright I don’t know what happened but every time I update this and add more content and pictures it doesn’t save. So I give up. I will add some pictures and call it good. Not very detailed and we did a lot more in these two states then I wrote about.


We felt like we have entered into a new planet. We have never been in an environment like this. The ground is swampy then there are thick palms then there are huge trees and vines grounding and hanging from them. Also there are huge bare trees with Spanish moss growing on them. They look all spooky like from a dark movie, especially in the areas the mist is rolling in.

We experienced a lot of firsts here such as

  • First alligators
  • First time eating crawfish
  • First armadillos
  • First bayous
  • First beignets
  • We drove over the Mississippi River
  • We drove through Baton Rouge at 5 miles an hour,on the interstate
  • We learned to avoid I-10, it’s so rough

We also drove past the church Scott came down to help rebuild with a mission trip in 2005. The church had since been rebuilt on stilts. We were shocked at the amount of damage and the amount of vacant places there are now. A Sheriff told us that we would probably not see more then 10 folks on the road over our next 2 hour stretch. He was right. It’s a odd feeling driving a coastal highway that is empty and properties that are just stilts or foundations instead of homes.


We learned that in the south the states all have a welcome center right when you enter the state. That’s helpful. We enjoyed the welcome center and even got a lot of info about the up coming Mardi Gras. We didn’t know we were in Mardi Gras week. We went to 2 parades and learned that they are not what we northerners have heard or believe them to be. Well at least not all of them. They are full of joy, culture, traditions and history. We have never had that much fun at a parade before. We also came home with pounds and pounds of beads. We met a lot of folks that were so friendly and kind. It was nice. Also as a northerner, did anyone else not realize there is so much coast line in Mississippi? (and later we learn the same in Alabama). The Gulf Coast here has miles of beaches, bike trails and even an island of the coast that we hear has amazing blue water on the other side.

Padre Island and Corpus Christi Texas

We spent a little over 2 weeks here after we randomly decided to come down here to escape the freezing temps coming to the Austin Area. We didn’t want to deal with, nor prepared to deal with those types of temperatures. We stated at Padre Balli City Park. It’s not much right one because of hurricane damage. They are making a nice area with pave sites and grass. Currently it’s just a old paved parking lot with picnic tables. BUT the ocean is only a sand dune away. It’s right across from Mika’s seafood on the pier.

You can enter Padre Island National Park and drive 53 miles of undeveloped ocean coast line all whiling looking for tons of shells and sea turtles. We drove it twice and 4 wheel drive is a must. We had to pull a truck out that got stuck. We had several times we thought we may get stuck. I watched a video on what to do in the area from Day Tripper. He had great information.

We met another family who had a kiddo the boys age and those boys spent every second together out there exploring and making caves. The family has paddle boards and let Scott and I take them out into the ocean. It was a blast and so peaceful being out there with nothing but water around. It was still and quiet and kinda blue. I was kinda nervous because I have a weird mental fear of what could be under me. It was worth it and overcoming fear is a powerful thing. I won’t let it hold me back or miss out.

2018=Firsts for Family

Welcome 2018!

This year will be full of firsts for our family. First time in most of the states we are going to, firsts in exploring, firsts in adding adventure to our adventure, first in life. We are excited for it all. We are going to try to add other firsts to our mundane normal days as well.

Being at the Gulf of Mexico is our firsts first for the family. Amongst that we have had many more firsts some including this I shared on Instagram

Today was amazing! SO many firsts for the family. We met this awesome family who travel in this van a few days ago. They told us where in the beach they were camping, at mile 53 along the coast #so we decided to check out the shell beaches and see if we could find them. We did. It was awesome! They let us borrow their paddle boards and take them out ON THE OCEAN. I haven’t even done that. It was the best thing ever, and it was just Scott and I?. They also cooked all of us dinner, yeah from their van, the 6 of us…they are only a family of 3. They rock! Oh and we also found a TON of shells and pulled a rig out of the sand at 9:30pm. It was fun. I didn’t get any other pictures the. The one scott took by the fire. Scott also swam in the ocean and the kiddos all fell in as they ran and jumped waves. #adventureforth

We also have gone shelling, met great folks, ate shrimp freshly caught, and been to new towns.