Just a quick post about the holidays so we remember who we were with and the memories we made. Didn’t take a lot of pictures because I didn’t want my phone around. I decided to just enjoy every moment instead of rushing to capture something or staging a picture when they boys would rather be playing.
Getting our tree.
We found some pretty deep snow and set off on the hunt. It took two spots, getting stuck, a walk along the road and climbing a steep hill but we found one. Scott and Brayton cut it down then we planned our decent down through the thick trees and the fallen trees. Shane was cold and totally done so Scott ended up carrying him out and staging the tree. I had Aveyah in my ergo, carrying the hand saw and maneuvering the tree so we didn’t scrape off all the branches and needles. When we got back to the car the boys all melted down because they were so cold and hungry. It was an adventure with a toddle and a baby but we made it work.
Christmas Eve we celebrated as a family and then had dinner at my Uncles and like always he makes amazing food and it’s a special time because it’s usually the only time we see my Aunt and Uncle and Cousins and their families.
Christmas morning we headed to Missoula to spend a week there. The boys all got to play with cousins while the adults got to spend a good amount of time catching up and playing games.
New Years Eve